Crate block_utils

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  • Synchronous utility to format a block device with a given filesystem. Note: ZFS creation can be slow because there’s potentially several commands that need to be run. async_format_block_device will be faster if you have many block devices to format
  • Parse mtab and return the device which is mounted at a given directory
  • Parse mtab and return all mounted block devices not including LVM
  • Parse mtab and return iterator over all mounted block devices not including LVM
  • Parse mtab and return the mountpoint the device is mounted at. This is the opposite of get_mount_device
  • Gathers all available scsi information
  • Checks and returns if a particular directory is a mountpoint
  • Utility function to mount a device at a mount point NOTE: This assumes the device is formatted at this point. The mount will fail if the device isn’t formatted.
  • Examine the ScsiInfo devices and associate a host ScsiInfo device if it exists
  • Examine the ScsiInfo devices and associate a host ScsiInfo device if it exists

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