bliss-rs 0.1.0

A song analysis library for making playlists failed to build bliss-rs-0.1.0
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Visit the last successful build: bliss-rs-0.1.4


Bliss music analyser - Rust version

Bliss-rs is the Rust improvement of Bliss. The data it outputs is not compatible with the ones used by Bliss, since it uses different, more accurate features, based on actual literature this time.

Like Bliss, it ease the creation of « intelligent » playlists and/or continuous play, à la Spotify/Grooveshark Radio.


Currently not usable.

It's missing a binary / example to actually use the computed features.


  • This library relies heavily on aubio's Rust bindings for the spectral / timbral analysis, so a big thanks to both the creators and contributors of librosa, and to @katyo for making aubio bindings for Rust.
  • The first part of the chroma extraction is basically a rewrite of librosa's chroma feature extraction from python to Rust, with just as little features as needed. Thanks to both creators and contributors as well.
  • Finally, a big thanks to Christof Weiss for pointing me in the right direction for the chroma feature summarization, which are basically also a rewrite from Python to Rust of some of the awesome notebooks by AudioLabs Erlangen, that you can find here.