blindfold 0.1.1

⚙️ gitignore file generator written in rust


  • Pulls .gitignore templates from
  • Clean and simple CLI
  • Suggestion system to help correct potential typos
  • Allows for the combination of any number of different templates all into one gitignore



Examples of use:

// generates a single gitignore file for both dart and flutter in ./src/.gitignore
foo@bar:~$ blindfold --lang dart flutter
// you can specify a speciic destination to store the gitignore file using the dest argument
foo@bar:~$ blindfold --lang rust --dest ./src/
// arguments can also be written in shorthand
foo@bar:~$ blindfold -l rust -d ./src/
// shows full list of available templates
foo@bar:~$ blindfold list
// There is a help screen that can be shown which details the subcommands and arguments to supply to the program
foo@bar:~$ blindfold -h


NOTE: Rust must be installed on your system for this to work. It can be installed easily by running hte following command:

foo@bar:~$ curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
  • Clone the repository and cd into it
  • Once in the top level directory of the repo run the command:
foo@bar:~$ cargo install --path ./

This will install the binary and add it to your path. Once installed you can use the tool as shown in the examples above.