Crate blake2b_simd[][src]


An implementation of the BLAKE2b hash with:

  • 100% stable Rust.
  • A fast AVX2 implementation ported from libsodium.
  • A portable, safe implementation for other platforms.
  • Dynamic CPU feature detection. Binaries for x86 include the AVX2 implementation by default and call it if the processor supports it at runtime.
  • no_std support. std is on by default, for feature detection and std::io::Write.
  • All the features from the the BLAKE2 spec, like adjustable length, keying, and associated data for tree hashing.


use blake2b_simd::{blake2b, Params};

let expected = "ca002330e69d3e6b84a46a56a6533fd79d51d97a3bb7cad6c2ff43b354185d6d\
let hash = blake2b(b"foo");
assert_eq!(expected, &hash.to_hex());

let hash = Params::new()
    .key(b"The Magic Words are Squeamish Ossifrage")
    .personal(b"L. P. Waterhouse")
assert_eq!("ee8ff4e9be887297cf79348dc35dab56", &hash.to_hex());


The AVX2 implementation in this crate is ported from the C implementation in libsodium. That implementation was originally written by Samuel Neves and integrated into libsodium by Frank Denis. All credit for performance goes to those authors.

The benchmark_gig binary in this crate allocates a gigabyte (10⁹) array and repeatedly hashes it to measure throughput. A similar C program, benches/bench_libsodium.c, does the same thing using libsodium's implementation of BLAKE2b. Here are the results from my laptop:

  • Intel Core i5-8250U, Arch Linux, kernel version 4.17.13
  • libsodium version 1.0.16, gcc 8.2.0, gcc -O3 -lsodium benches/bench_libsodium.c (via the helper script benches/
  • rustc 1.30.0-nightly (73c78734b 2018-08-05), cargo +nightly run --release --bin benchmark_gig
               │ portable   │ AVX2       │
│ blake2b_simd │ 0.771 GB/s │ 1.005 GB/s │
│ libsodium    │ 0.743 GB/s │ 0.939 GB/s │

The b2sum sub-crate is a clone of the b2sum utility from coreutils. The benches/ script runs it against several coreutils hashes, on a 10 MB file of random data. Here are the results from my laptop:

│ blake2b_simd b2sum --mmap │ 0.676 GB/s │
│ blake2b_simd b2sum        │ 0.649 GB/s │
│ coreutils sha1sum         │ 0.628 GB/s │
│ coreutils b2sum           │ 0.536 GB/s │
│ coreutils md5sum          │ 0.476 GB/s │
│ coreutils sha512sum       │ 0.464 GB/s │



A finalized BLAKE2 hash, with constant-time equality.


A parameter builder for State that exposes all the various BLAKE2 features.


An incremental hasher for BLAKE2b.



The max key length.


The max hash length.


The max personalization length.


The max salt length.



Compute the BLAKE2b hash of a slice of bytes, using default parameters.