Crate blake2

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An implementation of the BLAKE2 hash functions.


Blake2b512 and Blake2s256 can be used in the following way:

use blake2::{Blake2b512, Blake2s256, Digest};
use hex_literal::hex;

// create a Blake2b512 object
let mut hasher = Blake2b512::new();

// write input message
hasher.update(b"hello world");

// read hash digest and consume hasher
let res = hasher.finalize();
assert_eq!(res[..], hex!("

// same example for Blake2s256:
let mut hasher = Blake2s256::new();
hasher.update(b"hello world");
let res = hasher.finalize();
assert_eq!(res[..], hex!("

Also see RustCrypto/hashes readme.

Variable output size

This implementation supports run and compile time variable sizes.

Run time variable output example:

use blake2::Blake2bVar;
use blake2::digest::{Update, VariableOutput};
use hex_literal::hex;

let mut hasher = Blake2bVar::new(10).unwrap();
let mut buf = [0u8; 10];
hasher.finalize_variable(&mut buf).unwrap();
assert_eq!(buf, hex!("2cc55c84e416924e6400"));

Compile time variable output example:

use blake2::{Blake2b, Digest, digest::consts::U10};
use hex_literal::hex;

type Blake2b80 = Blake2b<U10>;

let mut hasher = Blake2b80::new();
let res = hasher.finalize();
assert_eq!(res[..], hex!("2cc55c84e416924e6400")[..]);


Based on the blake2-rfc crate.


pub use digest;


Blake2b MAC function
Blake2b instance with a variable output.
Blake2s MAC function
Blake2s instance with a variable output.


Convinience wrapper trait covering functionality of cryptographic hash functions with fixed output size.

Type Definitions

BLAKE2b generic over output size.
BLAKE2b-512 hasher state.
Core hasher state of BLAKE2b generic over output size.
BLAKE2b-512 MAC state.
BLAKE2b which allows to choose output size at runtime.
BLAKE2s generic over output size.
BLAKE2s-256 hasher state.
Core hasher state of BLAKE2s generic over output size.
BLAKE2s-256 MAC state.
BLAKE2s which allows to choose output size at runtime.