Crate bitcoincore_rpc_json[][src]

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Rust Client for Bitcoin Core API

This is a client library for the Bitcoin Core JSON-RPC API.


pub extern crate bitcoin;


A module used for serde serialization of bytes in hexadecimal format.


Models the result of “waitfornewblock”, and “waitforblock”

Models the result of “estimatesmartfee”

Models the result of “finalizepsbt”

Models the request options of “getblocktemplate”

Models the result of “getblocktemplate”

Models a single transaction entry in the result of “getblocktemplate”

Models the result of “getblockchaininfo”

Models a single chain tip for the result of “getchaintips”

Models the result of “getdescriptorinfo”

Models the result of “getpeerinfo”

A import request for importmulti.

Progress toward rejecting pre-softfork blocks

A wrapper around bitcoin::SigHashType that will be serialized according to what the RPC expects.

Status of a softfork

Models the request for “walletcreatefundedpsbt”

Models the result of “walletcreatefundedpsbt”

Models the result of “walletprocesspsbt”


Used to represent an address type.

Enum to represent the BIP125 replaceable status for a transaction.

Enum to represent client-side supported features

Enum to represent client-side supported features.

Enum to representing mutable parts of the block template. This does only cover the muations implemented in Bitcoin Core. More mutations are defined in BIP-23, but not implemented in the getblocktemplate implementation of Bitcoin Core.

Enum to represent Bitcoin Core’s supported features for getblocktemplate

Enum to representing specific block rules that client must support to work with the template returned by Bitcoin Core

Enum to representing specific block rules that the requested template should support.

Enum to represent the category of a transaction.

Used to represent arguments that can either be an address or a public key.

Start a scan of the UTXO set for an output descriptor.

Type Definitions

Models the result of “getchaintips”