Module bio::data_structures::smallints

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A data structure for a sequence of small integers with a few big integers. Small ints are stored in type S (e.g. a byte), big ints are stored separately (in type B) in a BTree. The implementation provides vector-like operations on the data structure (e.g. retrieve a position, add an integer, etc.). Getting and setting (by position) time complexity is O(1) for small ints, and O(b) for big ints, where b is the number of big ints stored.

§Space usage

SmallInts pay the cost of slower retrieval of big integers with smaller overall memory usage; O(size_of(S) * (s+b) + size_of(B) * b) where S and B are the small and large int types, and s and b are the number of those stored respectively.


use bio::data_structures::smallints::SmallInts;
let mut smallints: SmallInts<u8, usize> = SmallInts::new();
assert_eq!(smallints.get(0).unwrap(), 3);
smallints.set(0, 50000);
let values: Vec<usize> = smallints.iter().collect();
assert_eq!(values, [50000, 4, 255, 305093]);


  • Iterator over the elements of a SmallInts sequence.
  • Data structure for storing a sequence of small integers with few big ones space efficiently while supporting classical vector operations.