initSidebarItems({"enum":[["DecodingError","An error that can be produced during decoding."],["EncodingError","An error that can be produced during encoding."],["SizeLimit","A limit on the amount of bytes that can be read or written."]],"fn":[["decode","Decodes a slice of bytes into an object."],["decode_from","Decodes an object directly from a `Read`er. If successful, returns the decoded object and the number of bytes read out of the `Read`er."],["encode","Encodes an encodable object into a `Vec` of bytes."],["encode_into","Encodes an object directly into a `Writer`."],["encoded_size","Returns the size that an object would be if encoded using bincode."],["encoded_size_bounded","Given a maximum size limit, check how large an object would be if it were to be encoded."]],"struct":[["DecoderReader","A Decoder that reads bytes from a buffer."],["EncoderWriter","An Encoder that encodes values directly into a Writer."],["RefBox","A struct for encoding nested reference types."]],"type":[["DecodingResult",""],["EncodingResult",""]]});