bevy_skybox 0.1.0

A skybox from an image for failed to build bevy_skybox-0.1.0
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Visit the last successful build: bevy_skybox-0.5.0

Bevy Skybox

Provides a skybox from a given image that can be attached to a bevy camera.

Assumes that the image is of the same format as the examples given in the assets folder: a net of six squares in the same shape as these examples, exactly aligned with the image rectangle and filling most of its width and height.


The usage is documented in the module comment at the top of src/

To demonstrate this, examples\ puts a skybox around a flat "board". Key/mouse camera movement is provided by bevy_fly_camera.

Board Flyover example

Skybox images come from the following sources.

Image processing

Many skybox are available as net images. bevy_skybox assumes that the image is a specific net of a cube.

The assumptions about the image are listed in src/, but the image is measured like this.

Measuring the cube net


Build using nightly toolchain, e.g.

cargo +nightly run --release --example board_flyover


So far, this is suitable for demos, not production.

  • Lighting is currently from the scene's light source. The SkyboxBox should have its own.
  • Some may have a preferred orientation for their skybox that they want to set, and the XZ plane may not be horizontal for all.
  • The SkyboxBox should have a different draw distance to the rest of the scene.
  • Multiple SkyboxCamera objects should be handled better, at least as an error.
  • There may be a better interchange response structure from the image module than Mesh that is more convenient for anyone using a pre-aligned skybox model.