bevy_ninepatch 0.1.3

Displays 9-Patch UI elements in Bevy

Bevy 9-Patch plugin

Implementation of 9-patch images in Bevy. Let you have a UI that scale only the right parts of your images.

9 patch example

See the examples for what can be done.

Simple usage

After adding the NinePatchPlugin plugin, spawning an Entity with the NinePatchComponents component bundle will add a 9-patch UI element.

A simple builder based on Godot's NinePatchRect is available.

let panel_texture_handle = asset_server
    .load_sync(&mut textures, "assets/glassPanel_corners.png")

let nine_patch_handle = nine_patches.add(NinePatchBuilder::by_margins(20., 20., 20., 20., ()));

    NinePatchComponents {
        style: Style {
            margin: Rect::all(Val::Auto),
            justify_content: JustifyContent::Center,
            align_items: AlignItems::Center,
        nine_patch_data: NinePatchData {
            nine_patch: nine_patch_handle,
            texture: panel_texture_handle,
        nine_patch_size: NinePatchSize(Vec2::new(500., 300.)),

See example for a complete example.

Changing element size

The component NinePatchSize can be changed to update the size of the 9-Patch UI element. Changing this component must happen during the UPDATE stage and may not work otherwise.

See example for a complete example.

Specify content to use

You can specify the content to be used inside the 9-Patch UI element. When creating a 9-Patch by specifying the margins, a content zone will be available by default for the center of the 9-Patch UI element. This can be set with the NinePatchContent component.

See example for a complete example.

More flexible definition

It is possible to set any number of patches for an image, the only constraints is that all patches in a line must have the same height. Using this methods, different parts of the image can grow at different rates, and several content zones can be created.

See example for a complete example.

Usage without a plugin

9-Patch UI elements can be added without using a plugin if needed. Without the plugin, 9-Path UI elements can still be created, but changing size won't work.

See example for a simple example, or the other examples without plugin.