bevy_mod_picking 0.1.2

A 3D mouse picking plugin for Bevy.
# 3D Mouse Picking for Bevy

This is a 3D mouse picking plugin for [Bevy]( The plugin will cast a ray into the scene and check for intersection against all meshes tagged with the `PickableMesh` component. The built-in highlighting and selection state, as well as the debug cursor, are opt-in.

Out of the box, the plugin provides: pick depth, pick coordinates, and surface normal of the picked mesh triangle.

**Expect Breaking Changes in `master` - Contributions Welcome**

![Picking demo](

## Getting Started

To run the `3d_scene` example - a modified version of the `Bevy` example of the same name - clone this repository and run:

cargo run --example 3d_scene

## Usage

### Setup

Add the most recent release to your dependencies in Cargo.toml

bevy_mod_picking = "0.1.2"

Import the plugin:

use bevy_mod_picking::*;

Add it to your App::build() in the plugins section of your Bevy app:


### Marking Entities for Picking

Make sure you have your camera's entity on hand, you could do the following in your setup system:

let camera_entity = commands
        .spawn(Camera3dComponents {

Now all you have to do is mark any mesh entities with the `PickableMesh` component:


If you want it to highlight when you hover, add the `HighlightablePickMesh` component:


If you also want to select meshes and keep them highlighted with the left mouse button, add the `SelectablePickMesh` component:


### Getting Pick Data

#### Pick Intersections Under the Cursor

Mesh picking intersection are reported in world coordinates. You can use the `PickState` resource to either get the topmost entity, or a list of all entities sorted by distance (near -> far) under the cursor:

fn get_picks(
    pick_state: Res<PickState>,
) {
    println!("All entities:\n{:?}", pick_state.list());
    println!("Top entity:\n{:?}",;

#### Selection State

If you're using the `SelectablePickMesh` component for selection, you can access the selection state by querying all selectable entities and accessing the `.selected()` function.

### Plugin Parameters

If you're using the built in `HighlightablePickMash` component for highlighting, you can change the colors by accessing the `PickHighlightParams` and setting the colors:

fn set_highlight_params(
    mut highlight_params: ResMut<PickHighlightParams>,
) {
    highlight_params.set_hover_color(Color::rgb(1.0, 0.0, 0.0));
    highlight_params.set_selection_color(Color::rgb(1.0, 0.0, 1.0));

### Debug

You can also enable a debug cursor that will place a sphere at the intersection, with a tail pointing normal to the surface. Just add the `DebugPickingPlugin` to the `App::build()` in your Bevy program:
