Crate bevy_egui

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This crate provides a Egui integration for the Bevy game engine.

Trying out:

An example WASM project is live at [source].


bevy_egui can be compiled with using only bevy and egui as dependencies: manage_clipboard and open_url features, that require additional crates, can be disabled.


Here’s a minimal usage example:

use bevy::prelude::*;
use bevy_egui::{egui, EguiContext, EguiPlugin};

fn main() {
        // Systems that create Egui widgets should be run during the `CoreStage::Update` stage,
        // or after the `EguiSystem::BeginFrame` system (which belongs to the `CoreStage::PreUpdate` stage).

fn ui_example_system(mut egui_context: ResMut<EguiContext>) {
    egui::Window::new("Hello").show(egui_context.ctx_mut(), |ui| {

For a more advanced example, see examples/

cargo run --example ui

See also


pub use egui;


Egui render node.
The names of bevy_egui nodes.
Plugin systems for the render app.
Plugin systems.


A resource for accessing clipboard.
A resource for storing bevy_egui context.
Is used for storing the input passed to Egui in the EguiRenderInputContainer resource.
Represents a texture allocated and painted by Egui.
Contains textures allocated and painted by Egui.
Is used for storing Egui output ine the EguiOutputContainer resource..
Adds all Egui resources and render graph nodes.
Stores EguiInput for each window.
Is used for storing Egui shapes in the EguiRenderOutputContainer resource.
A resource for storing global UI settings.
Stores WindowSize for each window.
Egui’s render graph config.
Stores physical size and scale factor, is used as a helper to calculate logical size.


The names of bevy_egui startup systems.
The names of egui systems.


Set up egui render pipeline.
Updates textures painted by Egui.