
Module bevy::pbr

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Physically based rendering.



An ambient light, which lights the entire scene equally.

Configure the depth-slicing strategy for clustered forward rendering

A Directional light.

A component bundle for DirectionalLight entities.

A component bundle for entities with a Mesh and a Material.

Render pipeline data for a given Material.

A key uniquely identifying a specialized MaterialPipeline.

Adds the necessary ECS resources and render logic to enable rendering entities using the given Material asset type.

Common Material properties, calculated for a specific material instance.

MSAA uses the highest 6 bits for the MSAA sample count - 1 to support up to 64x MSAA.

Add this component to make a Mesh not cast shadows.

Add this component to make a Mesh not receive shadows.

Sets up the entire PBR infrastructure of bevy.

A light that emits light in all directions from a central point.

A component bundle for PointLight entities.

All Material values of a given type that should be prepared next frame.

Data prepared for a Material instance.

Sets the bind group for a given Material at the configured I index.

A light that emits light in a given direction from a central point. Behaves like a point light in a perfectly absorbant housing that shines light only in a given direction. The direction is taken from the transform, and can be specified with Transform::looking_at.

A component bundle for spot light entities

A material with “standard” properties used in PBR lighting Standard property values with pictures here https://google.github.io/filament/Material%20Properties.pdf.

The GPU representation of the uniform data of a StandardMaterial.


Alpha mode

Configuration of the clustering strategy for clustered forward rendering

Configure the far z-plane mode used for the furthest depth slice for clustered forward rendering



Materials are used alongside MaterialPlugin and MaterialMeshBundle to spawn entities that are rendered with a specific Material type. They serve as an easy to use high level way to render Mesh entities with custom shader logic.


Type Definitions

A component bundle for PBR entities with a Mesh and a StandardMaterial.

Stores all prepared representations of Material assets for as long as they exist.