Expand description

Methods for displaying bevy resources, assets and entities


use bevy_inspector_egui::bevy_inspector;

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Reflect)]
enum AppState { A, B, C }

fn show_ui(world: &mut World, ui: &mut egui::Ui) {
    let mut any_reflect_value = Vec3::new(1.0, 2.0, 3.0);
    bevy_inspector::ui_for_value(&mut any_reflect_value, ui, world);

    ui.heading("Msaa resource");
    bevy_inspector::ui_for_resource::<Msaa>(world, ui);

    ui.heading("App State");
    bevy_inspector::ui_for_state::<AppState>(world, ui);

        .show(ui, |ui| {
            bevy_inspector::ui_for_world_entities(world, ui);
    egui::CollapsingHeader::new("Resources").show(ui, |ui| {
        bevy_inspector::ui_for_resources(world, ui);
    egui::CollapsingHeader::new("Assets").show(ui, |ui| {
        bevy_inspector::ui_for_all_assets(world, ui);


UI for displaying the entity hierarchy
Short circuiting methods for the InspectorUi to enable it to display Handles


Guesses an appropriate entity name like Light (6) or falls back to Entity (8)
Display all reflectable assets
Display all assets of the specified asset type A
Display the given entity with all its components and children
Display the given entity with all its components and children
Display the resource R
Display all reflectable resources in the world
Display state T and change state on edit
Display Entities, Resources and Assets using their respective functions inside headers
Display all entities and their components