Crate bele

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What is this?

This is a program, it accepts numeric string(s), parses them and prints out their forms in big-endian and little-endian orders (for integers), as:

  • Hexadecimal & hexadecimal array.
  • Binary & binary array.

For floats, their form in bits is printed out.

All integer/float Rust types are supported. Unsigned and/or smaller ones are tried first.

Building from source or installing via Cargo

This crate is intended to be used as a program. So default features just contain some documentation, constants and no dependencies.

bin feature contains a binary which uses some dependencies. You can use help command to see usage.

Building from source:

~> # Clone a specific version via tag name
~> git clone --branch=x.y.z --depth=1 -- bele-x.y.z/
~> cd bele-x.y.z/
~> cargo build --release --features=bin

Installing via Cargo:

~> cargo install bele --version=x.y.z --features=bin


0.9.0 (January 2nd, 2023)


Crate code name
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