beagle 0.1.2

A basic linear algebra library for computer graphics.


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A basic linear algebra library for computer graphics. 🐶

Beagle is mostly inspired by GLSL (however Beagle is row-major) and attempts to recreate the majority of its functionality in Rust.


Why should I use beagle?

Beagle provides generic matrix and vector types up to 4x4 size. It provides all the operators you'd expect, including between vectors/matrices and scalars (though scalars must be wrapped with the v function).

Beagle also provides operations that function generically on both matrices and vectors (e.g component-wise comparisons, component-wise square roots, component summation).

Beagle makes it very easy to design your own custom component-wise functions.

Beagle also provides swizzles via the Index operator.

This crate requires nightly, why?

Sadly yes, for right now nightly is required. The things used are:

  • associated_consts
  • advanced_slice_patterns

I'd be willing to give up associated_consts, but advanced_slice_patterns are needed, so in for a penny, in for a pound.

Seems like you've got a lot of unsafe in there, Should I be concerned?

Yes, please voice your concern on rust-lang/rust#37302 so I can remove most of the unsafe code.

After that, the next thing blocking unsafe removal is the lack of IndexGet/IndexAssign for swizzles. unsafe is used to get slightly around this for some cases, but it's a bit of a hack until rust-lang/rfcs#997 goes anywhere.

There are a few unsafe things that won't be going away, however.

  • The fast inverse square root floating point hacking.
  • Cast back and forth between &[T; 4] and &Vec4<T>.

What's next?

  • Swizzles on swizzles
  • More component-wise functions.
  • More tests.


Licensed under either of

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.