[][src]Module bastion::prelude

Prelude of Bastion


pub use crate::children::ChildRef;
pub use crate::children::Children;
pub use crate::children::ChildrenRef;
pub use crate::context::BastionContext;
pub use crate::context::BastionId;
pub use crate::message::Answer;
pub use crate::message::Message;
pub use crate::message::Msg;
pub use crate::message::Sender;
pub use crate::msg;
pub use crate::supervisor::SupervisionStrategy;
pub use crate::supervisor::Supervisor;
pub use crate::supervisor::SupervisorRef;



A struct allowing to access the system's API to initialize it, start, stop and kill it and to create new supervisors and top-level children groups.


A set of methods that will get called at different states of a Supervisor or Children life.


The configuration that should be used to initialize the system using Bastion::init_with.