base_url 0.0.9

A Url type which strictly cuts out errors related to parsing and host suitability after creation at the cost of some flexibility


A library for the programming language Rust.

This is a thin wrapper over the Url crate which eliminates the potential for errors related to valid Url which cannot be a base by checking that the Url can be a base on creation. As such, a BaseUrl never fails when doing things like calling set_path()


In any Rust project managed by Cargo add the following to your Cargo.toml [dependencies] section:


The package exposes base_url which defines the BaseUrl structure at it's root and also re-exports the content of the rust-url crate

extern crate base_url;
use base_url::BaseUrl;
use base_url::Url;

BaseUrl can be created by converting from a String or a Url, these conversions are implemented using the traits found in the try_from crate.


There are 2 features which can be opted into robot_conversions and sitemap_conversions.
Each of these features adds a conversion into the important types of the crates robotparser and sitemap respectively.

If you wish to add your own conversions (for a crate you don't own at least), look at those implementations given in src/ as well as the dependency hierarchy in Cargo.toml

What's Missing?

This is at version 0.0.8 for a reason, there are things to be added before I'm comfortable claiming this library is at a proper first version.
Tests should be added, even though this is mostly just a thin wrapper over the Url type proving that CannotBeBase errors are truly gone when using the library is something which should be done
Finally there are some functions which are still missing, anything which requires me to reimplement the parse() function isn't being touched until I really need to, notably join() isn't available yet.