var searchIndex = {}; searchIndex["backtrace"] = {"doc":"A library for acquiring a backtrace at runtime","items":[[5,"trace","backtrace","Inspects the current call-stack, passing all active frames into the closure\nprovided to calculate a stack trace.",null,{"inputs":[{"name":"fnmut"}],"output":null}],[5,"resolve","","Resolve an address to a symbol, passing the symbol to the specified\nclosure.",null,null],[5,"demangle","","De-mangles a Rust symbol into a more readable version",null,{"inputs":[{"name":"write"},{"name":"str"}],"output":{"name":"result"}}],[8,"Frame","","A trait representing one frame of a backtrace, yielded to the `trace`\nfunction of this crate.",null,null],[10,"ip","","Returns the current instruction pointer of this frame.",0,null],[10,"symbol_address","","Returns the starting symbol address of the frame of this function.",0,null],[8,"Symbol","","A trait representing the resolution of a symbol in a file.",null,null],[11,"name","","Returns the name of this function as a byte array (may not always be\nvalid UTF-8).",1,null],[11,"addr","","Returns the starting address of this function.",1,null],[11,"filename","","Returns the file name where this function was defined.",1,null],[11,"lineno","","Returns the line number for where this symbol is currently executing.",1,null],[11,"fmt","","",0,null],[11,"name","","Returns the name of this function as a byte array (may not always be\nvalid UTF-8).",1,null],[11,"addr","","Returns the starting address of this function.",1,null],[11,"filename","","Returns the file name where this function was defined.",1,null],[11,"lineno","","Returns the line number for where this symbol is currently executing.",1,null],[11,"fmt","","",1,null]],"paths":[[8,"Frame"],[8,"Symbol"]]}; initSearch(searchIndex);