Expand description

Azalea is a framework for creating Minecraft bots.

Internally, it’s just a wrapper over azalea_client, adding useful functions for making bots. Because of this, lots of the documentation will refer to azalea_client. You can just replace these with azalea in your code, since everything from azalea_client is re-exported in azalea.


//! A bot that logs chat messages sent in the server to the console.

use azalea::prelude::*;
use parking_lot::Mutex;
use std::sync::Arc;

async fn main() {
    let account = Account::offline("bot");
    // or Account::microsoft("example@example.com").await.unwrap();

    azalea::start(azalea::Options {
        address: "localhost",
        state: State::default(),
        plugins: vec![],

#[derive(Default, Clone)]
pub struct State {}

async fn handle(bot: Client, event: Event, state: State) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    match event {
        Event::Chat(m) => {
        _ => {}



Ping Minecraft servers.
The Azalea prelude. Things that are necessary for a bare-bones bot are re-exported here.


Something that can join Minecraft servers.
A player that you control that is currently in a Minecraft server.
The options that are passed to azalea::start.
A player in the dimension or tab list.


Events are sent before they’re processed, so for example game ticks happen at the beginning of a tick before anything has happened.


Plugins can keep their own personal state, listen to events, and add new functions to Client.


Join a server and start handling events. This function will run forever until it gets disconnected from the server.

Type Definitions