axon_parseast_parser 0.4.1

A library to parse the output of SkySpark's parseAst function.

Axon parseAst Parser

Parses the output of SkySpark's parseAst function.


  1. Get the string output of SkySpark's parseAst function.
    • For example, run read(func and name == "yourFunction")->src.parseAst().toAxonCode().
  2. Use this library's parse function on that string.


  • Exponent numbers.

    • For example, 5e10 will not parse.
  • Hexadecimal numbers.

  • Hour format [0-9]?[0-9] in time parsing.

    • For example, 09:30:00 will parse, but 9:30:00 will not.
  • Fractional seconds in time parsing.

    • For example, 09:30:00 will parse, but 09:30:00.123 will not.
  • Units with unicode

    • This is to improve compile times with LALRPOP.
  • Currency units

    • This is to improve compile times with LALRPOP.
  • Raw strings?