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Errors that can occur when calling the service.



Your request didn't pass one or more validation tests. For example, if the entity that you're trying to delete doesn't exist or if it is in a non-terminal state (for example, it's "in progress"). See the exception Message field for more information.

There is already a resource with that name.

Error type for the CreateCallAnalyticsCategory operation.

Error type for the CreateLanguageModel operation.

Error type for the CreateMedicalVocabulary operation.

Error type for the CreateVocabulary operation.

Error type for the CreateVocabularyFilter operation.

Error type for the DeleteCallAnalyticsCategory operation.

Error type for the DeleteCallAnalyticsJob operation.

Error type for the DeleteLanguageModel operation.

Error type for the DeleteMedicalTranscriptionJob operation.

Error type for the DeleteMedicalVocabulary operation.

Error type for the DeleteTranscriptionJob operation.

Error type for the DeleteVocabulary operation.

Error type for the DeleteVocabularyFilter operation.

Error type for the DescribeLanguageModel operation.

Error type for the GetCallAnalyticsCategory operation.

Error type for the GetCallAnalyticsJob operation.

Error type for the GetMedicalTranscriptionJob operation.

Error type for the GetMedicalVocabulary operation.

Error type for the GetTranscriptionJob operation.

Error type for the GetVocabulary operation.

Error type for the GetVocabularyFilter operation.

There was an internal error. Check the error message and try your request again.

Either you have sent too many requests or your input file is too long. Wait before you resend your request, or use a smaller file and resend the request.

Error type for the ListCallAnalyticsCategories operation.

Error type for the ListCallAnalyticsJobs operation.

Error type for the ListLanguageModels operation.

Error type for the ListMedicalTranscriptionJobs operation.

Error type for the ListMedicalVocabularies operation.

Error type for the ListTagsForResource operation.

Error type for the ListTranscriptionJobs operation.

Error type for the ListVocabularies operation.

Error type for the ListVocabularyFilters operation.

We can't find the requested resource. Check the name and try your request again.

Error type for the StartCallAnalyticsJob operation.

Error type for the StartMedicalTranscriptionJob operation.

Error type for the StartTranscriptionJob operation.

Error type for the TagResource operation.

Error type for the UntagResource operation.

Error type for the UpdateCallAnalyticsCategory operation.

Error type for the UpdateMedicalVocabulary operation.

Error type for the UpdateVocabulary operation.

Error type for the UpdateVocabularyFilter operation.


Types of errors that can occur for the CreateCallAnalyticsCategory operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the CreateLanguageModel operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the CreateMedicalVocabulary operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the CreateVocabulary operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the CreateVocabularyFilter operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the DeleteCallAnalyticsCategory operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the DeleteCallAnalyticsJob operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the DeleteLanguageModel operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the DeleteMedicalTranscriptionJob operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the DeleteMedicalVocabulary operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the DeleteTranscriptionJob operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the DeleteVocabulary operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the DeleteVocabularyFilter operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the DescribeLanguageModel operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the GetCallAnalyticsCategory operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the GetCallAnalyticsJob operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the GetMedicalTranscriptionJob operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the GetMedicalVocabulary operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the GetTranscriptionJob operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the GetVocabulary operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the GetVocabularyFilter operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the ListCallAnalyticsCategories operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the ListCallAnalyticsJobs operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the ListLanguageModels operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the ListMedicalTranscriptionJobs operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the ListMedicalVocabularies operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the ListTagsForResource operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the ListTranscriptionJobs operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the ListVocabularies operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the ListVocabularyFilters operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the StartCallAnalyticsJob operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the StartMedicalTranscriptionJob operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the StartTranscriptionJob operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the TagResource operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the UntagResource operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateCallAnalyticsCategory operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateMedicalVocabulary operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateVocabulary operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateVocabularyFilter operation.