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These are Amazon Web Services SSO identity store attributes that you can configure for use in attributes-based access control (ABAC). You can create permissions policies that determine who can access your Amazon Web Services resources based upon the configured attribute values. When you enable ABAC and specify AccessControlAttributes, Amazon Web Services SSO passes the attribute values of the authenticated user into IAM for use in policy evaluation.

The value used for mapping a specified attribute to an identity source.

The assignment that indicates a principal's limited access to a specified Amazon Web Services account with a specified permission set.

The status of the creation or deletion operation of an assignment that a principal needs to access an account.

Provides information about the AccountAssignment creation request.

A structure that stores the details of the IAM managed policy.

Specifies the attributes to add to your attribute-based access control (ABAC) configuration.

Provides information about the SSO instance.

Filters he operation status list based on the passed attribute value.

An entity that contains IAM policies.

A structure that is used to provide the status of the provisioning operation for a specified permission set.

Provides information about the permission set provisioning status.

A set of key-value pairs that are used to manage the resource. Tags can only be applied to permission sets and cannot be applied to corresponding roles that Amazon Web Services SSO creates in Amazon Web Services accounts.
