Expand description

Input structures for operations.



The input for the CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOut action.

Input for ConfirmSubscription action.

Input for CreatePlatformApplication action.

Input for CreatePlatformEndpoint action.

Input for CreateTopic action.

Input for DeleteEndpoint action.

Input for DeletePlatformApplication action.

Input for GetEndpointAttributes action.

Input for GetPlatformApplicationAttributes action.

The input for the GetSMSAttributes request.

Input for GetSubscriptionAttributes.

Input for GetTopicAttributes action.

Input for ListEndpointsByPlatformApplication action.

The input for the ListPhoneNumbersOptedOut action.

Input for ListPlatformApplications action.

Input for ListSubscriptionsByTopic action.

Input for ListSubscriptions action.

Input for the OptInPhoneNumber action.

Input for Publish action.

Input for RemovePermission action.

Input for SetEndpointAttributes action.

Input for SetPlatformApplicationAttributes action.

The input for the SetSMSAttributes action.

Input for SetSubscriptionAttributes action.

Input for SetTopicAttributes action.

Input for Subscribe action.

Input for Unsubscribe action.