aws-sdk-signer 0.12.0

AWS SDK for AWS Signer


Please Note: The SDK is currently in Developer Preview and is intended strictly for feedback purposes only. Do not use this SDK for production workloads.

AWS Signer is a fully managed code signing service to help you ensure the trust and integrity of your code.

AWS Signer supports the following applications:

With code signing for AWS Lambda, you can sign AWS Lambda deployment packages. Integrated support is provided for Amazon S3, Amazon CloudWatch, and AWS CloudTrail. In order to sign code, you create a signing profile and then use Signer to sign Lambda zip files in S3.

With code signing for IoT, you can sign code for any IoT device that is supported by AWS. IoT code signing is available for Amazon FreeRTOS and AWS IoT Device Management, and is integrated with AWS Certificate Manager (ACM). In order to sign code, you import a third-party code signing certificate using ACM, and use that to sign updates in Amazon FreeRTOS and AWS IoT Device Management.

For more information about AWS Signer, see the AWS Signer Developer Guide.

Getting Started

Examples are available for many services and operations, check out the examples folder in GitHub.

The SDK provides one crate per AWS service. You must add Tokio as a dependency within your Rust project to execute asynchronous code. To add aws-sdk-signer to your project, add the following to your Cargo.toml file:

aws-config = "0.12.0"
aws-sdk-signer = "0.12.0"
tokio = { version = "1", features = ["full"] }

Using the SDK

Until the SDK is released, we will be adding information about using the SDK to the Developer Guide. Feel free to suggest additional sections for the guide by opening an issue and describing what you are trying to do.

Getting Help


This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.