Expand description

Data structures used by operation inputs/outputs.



A new object to add to the governed table.

A structure that you pass to indicate you want all rows in a filter.

A structure used to include auditing information on the privileged API.

A list of failures when performing a batch grant or batch revoke operation.

A permission to a resource granted by batch operation to the principal.

A structure for the catalog object.

A structure containing the name of a column resource and the LF-tags attached to it.

A wildcard object, consisting of an optional list of excluded column names or indexes.

A structure that describes certain columns on certain rows.

A structure for a data cells filter resource.

The Lake Formation principal. Supported principals are IAM users or IAM roles.

A structure representing a list of Lake Formation principals designated as data lake administrators and lists of principal permission entries for default create database and default create table permissions.

A structure for a data location object where permissions are granted or revoked.

A structure for the database object.

An object to delete from the governed table.

A structure containing the additional details to be returned in the AdditionalDetails attribute of PrincipalResourcePermissions.

Contains details about an error.

Statistics related to the processing of a query statement.

This structure describes the filtering of columns in a table based on a filter condition.

A structure that allows an admin to grant user permissions on certain conditions. For example, granting a role access to all columns that do not have the LF-tag 'PII' in tables that have the LF-tag 'Prod'.

A structure containing an error related to a TagResource or UnTagResource operation.

A structure containing an LF-tag key and values for a resource.

A structure containing an LF-tag key-value pair.

A structure containing a list of LF-tag conditions that apply to a resource's LF-tag policy.

A structure containing a list of partition values and table objects.

Contains a list of values defining partitions.

Statistics related to the processing of a query statement.

Permissions granted to a principal.

The permissions granted or revoked on a resource.

A structure containing information about the query plan.

A structure for the resource.

A structure containing information about an Lake Formation resource.

A PartiQL predicate.

A structure describing the configuration and details of a storage optimizer.

Specifies the details of a governed table.

A structure for the table object. A table is a metadata definition that represents your data. You can Grant and Revoke table privileges to a principal.

A wildcard object representing every table under a database.

A structure for a table with columns object. This object is only used when granting a SELECT permission.

A structure describing a database resource with LF-tags.

A structure describing a table resource with LF-tags.

A structure that contains information about a transaction.

An object that defines an Amazon S3 object to be deleted if a transaction cancels, provided that VirtualPut was called before writing the object.

Defines the valid range of work unit IDs for querying the execution service.

Defines an object to add to or delete from a governed table.
