Module aws_sdk_gamelift::model[][src]

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Data structures used by operation inputs/outputs.


See Tag


Properties that describe an alias resource.

Values for use in Player attribute key-value pairs. This object lets

Temporary access credentials used for uploading game build files to Amazon GameLift. They

Properties describing a custom game build.

Determines whether a TLS/SSL certificate is generated for a fleet. This feature must be

Player information for use when creating player sessions using a game session

Resource capacity settings. Fleet capacity is measured in EC2 instances. Pending and

The GameLift service limits for an EC2 instance type and current utilization. GameLift

Log entry describing an event that involves GameLift resources (such as a fleet). In

A list of fleet locations where a game session queue can place new game sessions. You

Describes a GameLift fleet of game hosting resources.

Current resource capacity settings in a specified fleet or location. The location

Current resource utilization statistics in a specified fleet or location. The location

Set of key-value pairs that contain information about a game session. When included in

Properties describing a game session.

Connection information for a new game session that is created in response to a StartMatchmaking request. Once a match is made, the FlexMatch engine

A game session's properties plus the protection policy currently in

Object that describes a StartGameSessionPlacement request. This

Configuration for a game session placement mechanism that processes requests for new

A fleet or alias designated in a game session queue. Queues fulfill requests for new

Represents an EC2 instance of virtual computing resources that hosts one or more game

Information required to remotely connect to a fleet instance. Access is requested

Set of credentials required to remotely access a fleet instance. Access credentials

A range of IP addresses and port settings that allow inbound traffic to connect to

Represents a location in a multi-location fleet.

A remote location where a multi-location fleet can deploy EC2 instances for game

A fleet location and its life-cycle state. A location state object might

Represents a new player session that is created as a result of a successful FlexMatch

Guidelines for use with FlexMatch to match players into games. All matchmaking

Set of rule statements, used with FlexMatch, that determine how to build your player

Ticket generated to track the progress of a matchmaking request. Each ticket is

Information about a player session that was created as part of a StartGameSessionPlacement request. This object contains only the player

Represents a player in matchmaking. When starting a matchmaking request, a player

Regional latency information for a player, used when requesting a new game session

Sets a latency cap for individual players when placing a game session. With a latency

Represents a player session. Player sessions are created either for a specific game

Custom prioritization settings for use by a game session queue when placing new game

A policy that puts limits on the number of game sessions that a player can create

The routing configuration for a fleet alias.

A collection of server process configurations that describe the set of processes to

The location in Amazon S3 where build or script files are stored for access by Amazon GameLift. This

Rule that controls how a fleet is scaled. Scaling policies are uniquely identified

Properties describing a Realtime script.

A set of instructions for launching server processes on each instance in a fleet.

Settings for a target-based scaling policy (see ScalingPolicy. A

Represents an authorization for a VPC peering connection between the VPC for an

Represents a peering connection between a VPC on one of your AWS accounts and the

Represents status information for a VPC peering connection. Status is associated
