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Specifies an action for an event-based policy.

Specifies when to create snapshots of EBS volumes.

Specifies a rule for copying shared snapshots across Regions.

Specifies an AMI deprecation rule for cross-Region AMI copies created by a cross-Region copy rule.

Specifies the retention rule for cross-Region snapshot copies.

Specifies a rule for cross-Region snapshot copies.

Specifies an AMI deprecation rule for a schedule.

Specifies the encryption settings for shared snapshots that are copied across Regions.

Specifies an event that triggers an event-based policy.

Specifies an event that triggers an event-based policy.

Specifies a rule for enabling fast snapshot restore. You can enable fast snapshot restore based on either a count or a time interval.

Detailed information about a lifecycle policy.

Summary information about a lifecycle policy.

Specifies optional parameters to add to a policy. The set of valid parameters depends on the combination of policy type and resource type.

Specifies the configuration of a lifecycle policy.

Specifies the retention rule for a lifecycle policy. You can retain snapshots based on either a count or a time interval.

Specifies a backup schedule for a snapshot or AMI lifecycle policy.

Specifies a rule for sharing snapshots across Amazon Web Services accounts.

Specifies a tag for a resource.
