Module aws_sdk_cloudwatch::model[][src]

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Data structures used by operation inputs/outputs.



Represents the history of a specific alarm.

An anomaly detection model associated with a particular CloudWatch metric, statistic, or metric math expression.

The configuration specifies details about how the anomaly detection model is to be trained,

The details about a composite alarm.

Represents a specific dashboard.

An error or warning for the operation.

Encapsulates the statistical data that CloudWatch computes from metric data.

A dimension is a name/value pair that is part of the identity of a metric. You

Represents filters for a dimension.

This structure contains the definition

One of the unique contributors found by a Contributor Insights rule. If the rule contains multiple keys, then

One data point related to one contributor.

One data point from the metric time series returned in a Contributor Insights rule report.

This structure includes the Timezone parameter, which you can use

A message returned by the GetMetricDataAPI, including a code and a description.

Represents a specific metric.

The details about a metric alarm.

This structure is used in both GetMetricData and PutMetricAlarm. The supported

A GetMetricData call returns an array of MetricDataResult

Encapsulates the information sent to either create a metric or add new values

Indicates the CloudWatch math expression that provides the time series the anomaly detector

This structure defines the metric to be returned, along with the statistics, period, and units.

This structure contains the configuration information about one metric stream.

This structure contains the name of one of the metric namespaces that is listed in

This array is empty if the API operation was successful for all the rules specified in the request. If the operation could

Specifies one range of days or times to exclude from use for training an

Designates the CloudWatch metric and statistic that provides the time series the anomaly detector

Represents a set of statistics that describes a specific metric.

A key-value pair associated with a CloudWatch resource.
