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Utilities to ergonomically construct a request to the service.

Fluent builders are created through the Client by calling one if its operation methods. After parameters are set using the builder methods, the send method can be called to initiate the request.


Fluent builder constructing a request to AssociateChannelFlow.

Fluent builder constructing a request to BatchCreateChannelMembership.

Fluent builder constructing a request to ChannelFlowCallback.

Fluent builder constructing a request to CreateChannel.

Fluent builder constructing a request to CreateChannelBan.

Fluent builder constructing a request to CreateChannelFlow.

Fluent builder constructing a request to CreateChannelMembership.

Fluent builder constructing a request to CreateChannelModerator.

Fluent builder constructing a request to DeleteChannel.

Fluent builder constructing a request to DeleteChannelBan.

Fluent builder constructing a request to DeleteChannelFlow.

Fluent builder constructing a request to DeleteChannelMembership.

Fluent builder constructing a request to DeleteChannelMessage.

Fluent builder constructing a request to DeleteChannelModerator.

Fluent builder constructing a request to DescribeChannel.

Fluent builder constructing a request to DescribeChannelBan.

Fluent builder constructing a request to DescribeChannelFlow.

Fluent builder constructing a request to DescribeChannelMembership.

Fluent builder constructing a request to DescribeChannelMembershipForAppInstanceUser.

Fluent builder constructing a request to DescribeChannelModeratedByAppInstanceUser.

Fluent builder constructing a request to DescribeChannelModerator.

Fluent builder constructing a request to DisassociateChannelFlow.

Fluent builder constructing a request to GetChannelMembershipPreferences.

Fluent builder constructing a request to GetChannelMessage.

Fluent builder constructing a request to GetChannelMessageStatus.

Fluent builder constructing a request to GetMessagingSessionEndpoint.

Fluent builder constructing a request to ListChannelBans.

Fluent builder constructing a request to ListChannelFlows.

Fluent builder constructing a request to ListChannelMemberships.

Fluent builder constructing a request to ListChannelMembershipsForAppInstanceUser.

Fluent builder constructing a request to ListChannelMessages.

Fluent builder constructing a request to ListChannelModerators.

Fluent builder constructing a request to ListChannels.

Fluent builder constructing a request to ListChannelsAssociatedWithChannelFlow.

Fluent builder constructing a request to ListChannelsModeratedByAppInstanceUser.

Fluent builder constructing a request to ListTagsForResource.

Fluent builder constructing a request to PutChannelMembershipPreferences.

Fluent builder constructing a request to RedactChannelMessage.

Fluent builder constructing a request to SendChannelMessage.

Fluent builder constructing a request to TagResource.

Fluent builder constructing a request to UntagResource.

Fluent builder constructing a request to UpdateChannel.

Fluent builder constructing a request to UpdateChannelFlow.

Fluent builder constructing a request to UpdateChannelMessage.

Fluent builder constructing a request to UpdateChannelReadMarker.