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See Url


An entity that defines the scope of audit evidence collected by Audit Manager. An Audit Manager assessment is an implementation of an Audit Manager framework.

The control entity that represents a standard control or a custom control in an Audit Manager assessment.

Represents a set of controls in an Audit Manager assessment.

The folder where Audit Manager stores evidence for an assessment.

The file used to structure and automate Audit Manager assessments for a given compliance standard.

The metadata that's associated with a standard framework or a custom framework.

Represents a share request for a custom framework in Audit Manager.

The metadata that's associated with the specified assessment.

A metadata object that's associated with an assessment in Audit Manager.

A finalized document that's generated from an Audit Manager assessment. These reports summarize the relevant evidence that was collected for your audit, and link to the relevant evidence folders. These evidence folders are named and organized according to the controls that are specified in your assessment.

An error entity for the AssessmentReportEvidence API. This is used to provide more meaningful errors than a simple string message.

The metadata objects that are associated with the specified assessment report.

The location where Audit Manager saves assessment reports for the given assessment.

The wrapper of Amazon Web Services account details, such as account ID or email address.

An Amazon Web Service such as Amazon S3 or CloudTrail.

An error entity for the BatchCreateDelegationByAssessment API. This is used to provide more meaningful errors than a simple string message.

An error entity for the BatchDeleteDelegationByAssessment API. This is used to provide more meaningful errors than a simple string message.

An error entity for the BatchImportEvidenceToAssessmentControl API. This is used to provide more meaningful errors than a simple string message.

The record of a change within Audit Manager. For example, this could be the status change of an assessment or the delegation of a control set.

A control in Audit Manager.

A comment that's posted by a user on a control. This includes the author's name, the comment text, and a timestamp.

A summary of the latest analytics data for a specific control domain.

A summary of the latest analytics data for a specific control in a specific active assessment.

A summary of the latest analytics data for a specific control.

The data source that determines where Audit Manager collects evidence from for the control.

The metadata that's associated with the standard control or custom control.

A set of controls in Audit Manager.

The control entity attributes that uniquely identify an existing control to be added to a framework in Audit Manager.

A controlSet entity that represents a collection of controls in Audit Manager. This doesn't contain the control set ID.

The control mapping fields that represent the source for evidence collection, along with related parameters and metadata. This doesn't contain mappingID.

A collection of attributes that's used to create a delegation for an assessment in Audit Manager.

The assignment of a control set to a delegate for review.

The metadata that's associated with the delegation.

A record that contains the information needed to demonstrate compliance with the requirements specified by a control. Examples of evidence include change activity triggered by a user, or a system configuration snapshot.

A breakdown of the latest compliance check status for the evidence in your Audit Manager assessments.

The file that's used to structure and automate Audit Manager assessments for a given compliance standard.

The metadata of a framework, such as the name, ID, or description.

A summary of the latest analytics data for all your active assessments.

A summary of the latest analytics data for a specific active assessment.

Evidence that's uploaded to Audit Manager manually.

The notification that informs a user of an update in Audit Manager. For example, this includes the notification that's sent when a control set is delegated for review.

A system asset that's evaluated in an Audit Manager assessment.

The wrapper that contains the Audit Manager role information of the current user. This includes the role type and IAM Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

The wrapper that contains the Amazon Web Services accounts and services that are in scope for the assessment.

The metadata that's associated with the Amazon Web Service.

The settings object that holds all supported Audit Manager settings.

The keyword to search for in CloudTrail logs, Config rules, Security Hub checks, and Amazon Web Services API names.

A controlSet entity that represents a collection of controls in Audit Manager. This doesn't contain the control set ID.

Short for uniform resource locator. A URL is used as a unique identifier to locate a resource on the internet.

Indicates that the request has invalid or missing parameters for the field.
