avro-rs 0.3.0

Library for working with Apache Avro in Rust
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Latest Version Build Status MIT licensed


A library for working with Apache Avro in Rust.

Please check our documentation for examples, tutorials and API reference.


Add to your Cargo.toml:

avro-rs = "0.3"

Then try to write and read in Avro format like below:

extern crate avro_rs;

extern crate serde_derive;
extern crate failure;

use avro_rs::{Codec, Reader, Schema, Writer, from_value, types::Record};
use failure::Error;

#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
struct Test {
    a: i64,
    b: String,

fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
    let raw_schema = r#"
            "type": "record",
            "name": "test",
            "fields": [
                {"name": "a", "type": "long", "default": 42},
                {"name": "b", "type": "string"}

    let schema = Schema::parse_str(raw_schema)?;

    println!("{:?}", schema);

    let mut writer = Writer::with_codec(&schema, Vec::new(), Codec::Deflate);

    let mut record = Record::new(writer.schema()).unwrap();
    record.put("a", 27i64);
    record.put("b", "foo");


    let test = Test {
        a: 27,
        b: "foo".to_owned(),



    let input = writer.into_inner();
    let reader = Reader::with_schema(&schema, &input[..])?;

    for record in reader {
        println!("{:?}", from_value::<Test>(&record?));


This project is licensed under MIT License. Please note that this is not an official project maintained by Apache Avro.


Everyone is encouraged to contribute! You can contribute by forking the GitHub repo and making a pull request or opening an issue. All contributions will be licensed under MIT License.