audiopus 0.1.1

High-level binding of the Opus Codec library.
Build #151629 2019-03-29T21:21:57.579144+00:00
# rustc version
rustc 1.35.0-nightly (0f88167f8 2019-03-18)
# version
cratesfyi 0.6.0 (b564d72 2019-03-28)

# build log
Updating index
Downloading crates ...
Downloaded audiopus v0.1.1
Fresh cc v1.0.32
Fresh autocfg v0.1.2
Fresh version_check v0.1.5
Fresh lazy_static v1.3.0
Fresh glob v0.2.11
Fresh rustc-demangle v0.1.13
Fresh ucd-util v0.1.3
Fresh cfg-if v0.1.7
Fresh utf8-ranges v1.0.2
Fresh unicode-xid v0.1.0
Fresh quick-error v1.2.2
Fresh unicode-width v0.1.5
Fresh strsim v0.7.0
Fresh vec_map v0.8.1
Fresh bitflags v1.0.4
Fresh scopeguard v0.3.3
Fresh termcolor v1.0.4
Fresh ansi_term v0.11.0
Fresh peeking_take_while v0.1.2
Fresh pkg-config v0.3.14
Fresh thread_local v0.3.6
Fresh regex-syntax v0.6.5
Fresh log v0.4.6
Fresh humantime v1.2.0
Fresh textwrap v0.10.0
Fresh libc v0.2.51
Fresh memchr v2.2.0
Fresh byteorder v1.3.1
Fresh proc-macro2 v0.4.27
Fresh backtrace-sys v0.1.28
Fresh atty v0.2.11
Fresh aho-corasick v0.6.10
Fresh libloading v0.5.0
Fresh nom v4.2.3
Fresh hashbrown v0.1.8
Fresh backtrace v0.3.14
Fresh clap v2.32.0
Fresh quote v0.6.11
Fresh regex v1.1.2
Fresh cexpr v0.3.5
Fresh clang-sys v0.26.4
Fresh failure v0.1.5
Fresh env_logger v0.6.1
Fresh which v2.0.1
Fresh bindgen v0.48.1
Fresh audiopus_sys v0.1.1
Documenting audiopus v0.1.1
Running `rustdoc --edition=2018 --crate-name audiopus /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/ --cap-lints allow --color never -o /home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/doc -Z unstable-options --resource-suffix -20190318-1.35.0-nightly-0f88167f8 --static-root-path / --disable-per-crate-search --extern-html-root-url 'audiopus_sys=' --extern-html-root-url 'matches=' -L dependency=/home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps --extern audiopus_sys=/home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps/libaudiopus_sys-fc951a93f485729d.rmeta`
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 3.50s