Expand description

Basicly clap for attribute macros:

#[attribute(ident = "collection")]
#[attribute(invalid_field = "Error when an unsupported value is set (e.g. meaning=42")]
struct CollectionAttribute {
    // Options are optional by default (will be set to None if not specified)
    authority: Option<String>,
    #[attribute(missing = "Error when the value is not set")]
    name: String,
    // Any type implementing default can be flagged as default
    // This will be set to Vec::default() when not specified
    #[attribute(expected = "Error when an error occured while parsing")]
    views: Vec<Type>,
    // Booleans can be used without assiging a value. as a flag.
    // If omitted they are set to false

Will be able to parse an attribute like this:

#[collection(authority="Some String", name = r#"Another string"#, views = [Option, ()])]

Any type that ConvertParsed is implemented for is supported. These should be the general types that syn supports like LitStr or Type or that have a direct equivalent in those like String, char or f32. A special treatment have Vecs which are parsed using Array with the syntax [a, b, c] and Options that will be None if not specified and Some when the value is specified via the attribute. It is not specified via Some(value) but as just value.


There are some limitations in syntax parsing that will be lifted future releases.

  • literals in top level (meaning something like #[attr(42, 3.14, "hi")]
  • function like arguments (something like #[attr(view(a = "test"))]
  • other syntaxes, maybe something like key: value


Helper struct to parse array literals: [a, b, c]


The trait you actually derive on your attribute struct.

Helper trait to convert syn types implementing Parse like LitStr to rust types like String

Helper trait to generate sensible errors