atomic_ring_buffer 1.0.0

A fixed-size multi-producer multi-consumer queue that works on bare-metal systems.


atomic ring buffer is a fixed-size multi-producer multi-consumer queue that works on bare-metal systems. Under certain conditions, the queue is wait-free or lock-free.

See documentation for details.


To use the atomic ring buffer library in your project, add the following to Cargo.toml:

atomic_ring_buffer = "1.0"

Feature std

The std feature enables use std::boxed::Box and std::vec::Vec for the backing storage.

This feature is enabled by default.

Feature alloc

The alloc feature enables use of alloc::boxed::Box for the backing storage. This only works on nightly rustc.

Feature collections

The collections feature enables use of collections::vec::Vec for the backing storage. This only works on nightly rustc.

Feature const_fn

The const_fn feature marks the AtomicRingBuffer::new function as constant, permitting static initialization akin to:

static UART_BUFFER: AtomicRingBuffer = AtomicRingBuffer::new([u8; 32]);

This only works on nightly rustc.


atomic ring buffer is distributed under the terms of 0-clause BSD license.

See LICENSE-0BSD for details.