atomic64 0.1.1

Atomic 64-bits types

Atomic64 - 64 bits integers with atomic operations for Rust

Build Status


atomic64 is on

To use atomic64, first add this to your Cargo.toml:

atomic64 = "0.1.0"

Then, add this to your crate root:

extern crate atomic64;

You can now use AtomicI64 and AtomicU64.

## Note

Due to the use of const fn to allow the creation of AtomicI64::new and AtomicU64::new in constant context, atomic64 is only usable on nightly rust. Maybe conditional compilation could solve the issue ?

Includes code derived from Syncbox.

## Internals

On 64-bits platforms, atomic64 will internally use Rust's AtomicIsize and AtomicUsize.

On 32-bits platforms, atomic64 will use an i64 or u64 wrapped by a Mutex. The performance will be wildly different between 32 and 64 bits platforms, with 64 bits expected to be faster.