atomic-polyfill 0.1.4

Atomic polyfills, for targets where they're not available.



This crate polyfills atomics on targets where they're not available, using critical sections. It is intended to be a drop-in replacement for core::sync::atomic.

There is three "levels" of polyfilling:

  • Native: No polyfilling is performed, the native core::sync::atomic::AtomicXX is reexported.
  • CAS: Only compare-and-set operations are polyfilled, while loads and stores are native.
  • Full: Both load/store and compare-and-set operations are polyfilled.

Target support

The right polyfill level is automatically picked based on the target and the atomic width:

Target Level Level for u64/i64
thumbv6m CAS Full
thumbv7*, thumbv8* Native Full
riscv32imc Full1 Full
riscv32imac Native Full
Other2 Native Native

1: The hardware is capable of supporting atomic load/stores up to 32 bits, so this could be "CAS" instead of "Full". However, support for this is missing in Rust. See discussion here.

2: atomic-polyfill assumes unknown targets have full native support. This may not be true, in which case the build may fail. PRs for polyfilling more targets are welcome :)

Note: polyfill is based on critical sections using the critical-section crate. The default implementation is based on disabling all interrupts, so it's unsound on multi-core targets. It is possible to supply a custom critical section implementation, check the critical-section docs for details.


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