Crate async_proto

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This is async-proto, a library crate facilitating simple binary network protocols with async support.

The main feature is the Protocol trait, which allows reading a value of an implementing type from an async or sync stream, as well as writing one to an async or sync sink.

Protocol can be derived for enums and structs if all fields implement Protocol.


This crate offers optional dependencies on the following crates to enable Protocol implementations for some of their types:

Additionally, the following features can be enabled via Cargo:

  • tokio-tungstenite: Adds a dependency on the tokio-tungstenite crate and convenience methods for reading/writing Protocol types from/to its websockets.
  • tungstenite: Adds a dependency on the tungstenite crate and convenience methods for synchronously reading/writing Protocol types from/to its websockets.




  • Provides additional information about the origin of an error.
  • Specifies what went wrong while reading (receiving) a value.
  • Specifies what went wrong while writing (sending) a value.


  • This trait allows reading a value of an implementing type from an async or sync stream, as well as writing one to an async or sync sink.


  • websockettokio-tungstenite
    Establishes a WebSocket connection to the given URL and returns a typed sink/stream pair.

Derive Macros§

  • Implements the Protocol trait for this type.