[][src]Crate async_fuse

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Helpers for "fusing" asynchronous computations.

A fused operation has a well-defined behavior once the operation has completed. In this library, it means that a fused operation that has completed will block forever by returning Poll::Pending.

This is similar to the Fuse type provided in futures-rs, but provides more utility allowing it to interact with types which does not implement FusedFuture or FusedStream as is now the case with all core Tokio types since 1.0.

This is especially useful in combination with optional branches using tokio::select, where the future being polled is optionally set. So instead of requiring a branch precondition, the future will simply be marked as pending indefinitely and behave accordingly when polled.


  • stream - Makes Heap and Stack implement the Stream trait if they contain one.


This is available as the stack_ticker example:

cargo run --example stack_ticker
use std::time::Duration;
use tokio::time;

let mut duration = Duration::from_millis(500);

let sleep = async_fuse::Stack::new(time::sleep(duration));

let update_duration = async_fuse::Stack::new(time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(2)));

for _ in 0..10usize {
    tokio::select! {
        _ = &mut sleep => {
        _ = &mut update_duration => {
            println!("Tick faster!");
            duration = Duration::from_millis(250);

For some types it might be easier to fuse the value on the heap. To make this easier, we provide the Heap type.

As a result, the above example looks pretty similar.

This is available as the heap_ticker example:

cargo run --example heap_ticker
use std::time::Duration;
use tokio::time;

let mut duration = Duration::from_millis(500);

let mut sleep = async_fuse::Heap::new(time::sleep(duration));
let mut update_duration = async_fuse::Heap::new(time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(2)));

for _ in 0..10usize {
    tokio::select! {
        _ = &mut sleep => {
        _ = &mut update_duration => {
            println!("Tick faster!");
            duration = Duration::from_millis(250);



A fusing adapter that stores a pinned value on the heap.


A fusing adapter that might need to be pinned.