Crate aspotify[][src]

Expand description

Note: This crate is deprecated in favour of rspotify.

aspotify is an asynchronous client to the Spotify API.


use aspotify::{Client, ClientCredentials};

// This from_env function tries to read the CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET environment variables.
// You can use the dotenv crate to read it from a file.
let credentials = ClientCredentials::from_env()
    .expect("CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET not found.");

// Create a Spotify client.
let client = Client::new(credentials);

// Gets the album "Favourite Worst Nightmare" from Spotify, with no specified market.
let album = client.albums().get_album("1XkGORuUX2QGOEIL4EbJKm", None).await.unwrap();


  • Spotify often imposes limits on endpoints, for example you can’t get more than 50 tracks at once. This crate removes this limit by making multiple requests when necessary.


pub use endpoints::*;
pub use model::*;


Endpoint types.

The Spotify Object Model, in deserializable Rust structures.


A client to the Spotify API.

An object that holds your Spotify Client ID and Client Secret.

The result of a request to a Spotify endpoint.


Re-export from isocountry.

Re-export from isolanguage_1.

An error caused by the Client::redirected function.

A scope that the user can grant access to.


Get the URL to redirect the user’s browser to so that the URL can be generated for the Client::redirected function.

Like authorization_url, but you supply your own state.