Crate askama [] [src]

Askama implements a type-safe compiler for Jinja-like templates. It lets you write templates in a Jinja-like syntax, which are linked to a struct defining the template context. This is done using a custom derive implementation (implemented in askama_derive).

For feature highlights and a quick start, please review the README.

Creating Askama templates

An Askama template is a struct definition which provides the template context combined with a UTF-8 encoded text file (or inline source, see below). Askama can be used to generate any kind of text-based format. The template file's extension may can be used to provide content type hints.

A template consists of text contents, which are passed through as-is, expressions, which get replaced with content while being rendered, and tags, which control the template's logic. The template syntax is very similar to Jinja, as well as Jinja-derivatives like Twig or Tera.

The template() attribute

Askama works by generating one or more trait implementations for any struct type decorated with the #[derive(Template)] attribute. The code generation process takes some options that can be specified through the template() attribute. The following sub-attributes are currently recognized:

  • path (as path = "foo.html"): sets the path to the template file. The path is interpreted as relative to the templates dir in the directory where the originating crate's Cargo.toml resides. The file name extension is used to infer an escape mode (see below). In web framework integrations, the path's extension may also be used to infer the content type of the resulting response. Cannot be used together with source.
  • source (as source = "{{ foo }}"): directly sets the template source. This can be useful for test cases or short templates. The generated path is empty, which generally makes it impossible to refer to this template from other templates. Cannot be used together with path.
  • ext (as ext = "txt"): lets you specify the content type as a file extension. This is used to infer an escape mode (see below), and some web framework integrations use it to determine the content type. Cannot be used together with path.
  • print (as print = "code"): enable debugging by printing nothing (none), the parsed syntax tree (ast), the generated code (code) or all for both. The requested data will be printed to stdout at compile time.
  • escape (as escape = "none"): change escape mode for expression output. By default, Askama infers the escape mode from the template file name (with path) or specified extension (ext): if the extension is html, htm or xml, the html escape mode is used; otherwise, no implicit escaping is done. The escape mode can be overridden by specifying it manually, enabling it with escape = "html" or disabling with escape = "none". The html escape mode escapes content according to the OWASP escaping recommendations.


Top-level template variables are defined by the template's context type. You can use a dot (.) to access variable's attributes or methods. Reading from variables is subject to the usual borrowing policies. For example, {{ name }} will get the name field from the template context, while {{ }} will get the name field of the user field from the template context.


Values such as those obtained from variables can be post-processed using filters. Filters are applied to values using the pipe symbol (|) and may have optional extra arguments in parentheses. Filters can be chained, in which case the output from one filter is passed to the next.

For example, {{ "{:?}"|format(name|escape) }} will escape HTML characters from the value obtained by accessing the name field, and print the resulting string as a Rust literal.

Consult the filters module documentation for a list of available filters.

Whitespace control

Askama preserves all whitespace in template code by default, except that a single trailing newline characters are suppressed. However, whitespace before and after expression and block delimiters can be suppressed by writing a minus sign directly following a start delimiter or leading into an end delimiter. Askama considers all tabs, spaces, newlines and carriage returns to be whitespace.

Template inheritance

Template inheritance allows you to build a base template with common elements that can then be shared by all inheriting templates. A base template defines blocks that child templates can then override.

Base template

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <title>{{ block title %}{{ title }}{% endblock %} - My Site</title>
    {% block head %}{% endblock %}
    <div id="content">
      {% block content %}{% endblock %}

The block tags define three blocks that can be filled in by child templates. The base template defines a default version of the block. A base template must define one or more blocks in order to be enable inheritance. Blocks can only be specified at the top level of a template, not inside if/else branches or in for-loop bodies.

Child template

Here's an example child template:

{% extends "base.html" %}

{% block title %}Index{% endblock %}

{% block head %}
{% endblock %}

{% block content %}
  <p>Hello, world!</p>
{% endblock %}

The extends tag tells the code generator that this template inherits from another template. It will search for the base template relative to itself before looking relative to the template base directory. It will render the top-level content from the base template, and substitute blocks from the base template with those from the child template. The inheriting template context struct must have a field called _parent of the type used as the base template context. Blocks can refer to the context of both parent and child template.

Note that, if the base template lives in another module than the child template, the child template's module should import all symbols from the base template's module in order for it to find the trait definition that supports the inheritance mechanism.

HTML escaping

Askama does not yet support automatic escaping. Care must be taken to escape content that may contain HTML control characters. You can use the escape filter (or its e alias) to escape data for use in HTML.

Control structures


Loop over each item in an iterator. For example:

{% for user in users %}
  <li>{{|e }}</li>
{% endfor %}

Inside for-loop blocks, some useful variables are accessible:

  • loop.index: current loop iteration (starting from 1)
  • loop.index0: current loop iteration (starting from 0)


The if statement is used as you might expect:

{% if users.len() == 0 %}
  No users
{% else if users.len() == 1 %}
  1 user
{% else %}
  {{ users.len() }} users
{% endif %}


The include statement lets you split large or repetitive blocks into separate template files. Included templates get full access to the context in which they're used, including local variables like those from loops:

{% for i in iter %}
  {% include "item.html" %}
{% endfor %}
* Item: {{ i }}

The path to include must be a string literal, so that it is known at compile time. Askama will try to find the specified template relative to the including template's path before falling back to the absolute template path. Use include within the branches of an if/else block to use includes more dynamically.


Askama supports string literals ("foo") and integer literals (1). It supports almost all binary operators that Rust supports, including arithmetic, comparison and logic operators. The parser applies the same precedence order as the Rust compiler. Expressions can be grouped using parentheses. The HTML special characters &, < and > will be replaced with their character entities unless the escape mode is disabled for a template.

Optional functionality

Rocket integration

Enabling the with-rocket feature appends an implementation of Rocket's Responder trait for each template type. This makes it easy to trivially return a value of that type in a Rocket handler. See the example from the Askama test suite for more on how to integrate.

In case a run-time error occurs during templating, a 500 Internal Server Error Status value will be returned, so that this can be further handled by your error catcher.

Iron integration

Enabling the with-iron feature appends an implementation of Iron's Modifier<Response> trait for each template type. This makes it easy to trivially return a value of that type in an Iron handler. See the example from the Askama test suite for more on how to integrate.

Note that Askama's generated Modifier<Response> implementation currently unwraps any run-time errors from the template. If you have a better suggestion, please file an issue.

The json filter

Enabling the serde-json filter will enable the use of the json filter. This will output formatted JSON for any value that implements the required Serialize trait.


pub use askama_derive::*;



Module for built-in filter functions



The Error type.





Main Template trait; implementations are generally derived



Build script helper to rebuild crates if contained templates have changed

Type Definitions


Convenient wrapper around std::Result.