asi_opengl 0.3.3

Rust safe bindings for OpenGL / OpenGLES.

Aldaron's System Interface / OpenGL

Rust safe bindings for OpenGL / OpenGLES

Cargo / Documentation / Change Log


asi_opengl's current features:

  • Somewhat safe OpenGL/ES bindings

asi_opengl's planned features:

  • Totally safe OpenGL/ES bindings
  • Speed enchancements: Like checking whether or not a uniform in a shader is already set to the value we're trying to set (stored in shader struct).


asi_opengl's current support:

  • EGL/OpenGLES with XCB
  • WGL/OpenGL on Windows

asi_opengl's planned support:

  • EGL/OpenGLES with Wayland
  • EGL/OpenGLES on Android
  • MacOS


If you'd like to help implement functions for unsupported platforms, fix bugs, improve the API or improve the Documentation, then contact me at I'll appreciate any help.