initSidebarItems({"enum":[["AsciiChar","An ASCII character. It wraps a `u8`, with the highest bit always zero."]],"struct":[["AsAsciiStrError","Error that is returned when a sequence of `u8` are not all ASCII."],["AsciiStr","AsciiStr represents a byte or string slice that only contains ASCII characters."],["AsciiString","A growable string stored as an ASCII encoded buffer."],["ToAsciiCharError","Error returned by `ToAsciiChar`."]],"trait":[["AsAsciiStr","Convert slices of bytes to `AsciiStr`."],["AsMutAsciiStr","Convert mutable slices of bytes to `AsciiStr`."],["IntoAsciiString","Convert vectors into `AsciiString`."],["ToAsciiChar","Convert `char`, `u8` and other character types to `AsciiChar`."]]});