[][src]Function arrayfire::bitxor

pub fn bitxor<A, B>(
    lhs: &Array<A>,
    rhs: &Array<B>,
    batch: bool
) -> Array<A::Output> where
    A: ImplicitPromote<B>,
    B: ImplicitPromote<A>, 

Elementwise XOR(bit) operation of two Arrays

This is an element wise binary operation.

Important Notes

  • If shape/dimensions of lhs and rhs are same, the value of batch parameter has no effect.

  • If shape/dimensions of lhs and rhs are different, the value of batch has to be set to true. In this case, the shapes of lhs and rhs have to satisfy the following criteria:

    • Same number of elements in lhs and rhs along a given dimension/axis
    • Only one element in lhs or rhs along a given dimension/axis