ark-ed-on-mnt4-753 0.2.0

A Twisted Edwards curve defined over the scalar field of the MNT4-753 curve

This library implements a twisted Edwards curve whose base field is the scalar field of the curve MNT4-753. This allows defining cryptographic primitives that use elliptic curves over the scalar field of the latter curve.

Curve information:

  • Base field: q = 41898490967918953402344214791240637128170709919953949071783502921025352812571106773058893763790338921418070971888458477323173057491593855069696241854796396165721416325350064441470418137846398469611935719059908164220784476160001
  • Scalar field: r = 5237311370989869175293026848905079641021338739994243633972937865128169101571388346632361720473792365177258871486054600656048925740061347509722287043067341250552640264308621296888446513816907173362124418513727200975392177480577
  • Valuation(q - 1, 2) = 30
  • Valuation(r - 1, 2) = 7
  • Curve equation: ax2 + y2 =1 + dx2y2, where
  • a = -1
  • d = 317690 mod q