appro-eq 0.3.1

Approximately equal traits and assertion
# rust-appro-eq

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Implementing the `ApproEq` traits, Can asserts that the two expressions are approximately equal to each other.

## How-to Use

See the [crate documentation]( for more details.

### Examples

assert_appro_eq!(1f64, 1.5f64, 0.6f64); // does not panic
assert_appro_eq!(0f64, 1e-12f64); // does not panic

assert_appro_eq!(1f64, 2f64); // panics

### Optional Features

- **`complex`** - Implement `ApproEq` traits for `num_complex::Complex`. This adds a dependency on the `num-complex` crate.

- **`rational`** - Implement `ApproEq` traits for `num_rational::Ratio`. This adds a dependency on the `num-rational` crate.

- **`ndarray`** - Implement `ApproEq` traits for `ndarray::ArrayBase`. This adds a dependency on the `ndarray` crate.