Expand description

Logic for parsing and interacting with schemas in Avro format.


Newtype pattern for Name to better control the serde_json::Value representation. Aliases are serialized as an array of plain strings in the JSON representation.

Represents names for record, enum and fixed Avro schemas.

Represents a field in a record Avro schema.

Represents an Avro schema fingerprint More information about Avro schema fingerprints can be found in the Avro Schema Fingerprint documentation


Represents any valid order for a field in a record Avro schema.

Represents any valid Avro schema More information about Avro schemas can be found in the Avro Specification

Auto-generated discriminant enum variants


Trait for types that serve as an Avro data model. Derive implementation available through derive feature. Do not implement directly! Implement apache_avro::schema::derive::AvroSchemaComponent to get this trait through a blanket implementation.

Type Definitions

Represents the aliases for Named Schema

Represents documentation for complex Avro schemas.

Represents the namespace for Named Schema