aoc-runner 0.1.0

A runner for the Advent of Code

Advent of Code Runner

This is a simple project that aims to be a runner for the Advent of Code.

Implement your solution. Let us do the rest.


  • Input downloading
  • Running your solution
  • Benchmarking of your solution (WIP)

Getting started

  • Create a lib project cargo new advent-of-code-2018 --lib
  • Add deps to your Cargo.toml:
aoc-runner = "0.1.0"
aoc-runner-derive = "0.1.0"
  • Include libs in your
extern crate aoc_runner;

extern crate aoc_runner_derive;
  • Add aoc_lib!{ year = 2018 } at the end of your
  • Start coding !

Flags your solutions

just add a #[aoc(day1, part1)] before your function !

#[aoc(day1, part1)]
fn part1(input: &str) -> i32 {

Supported signatures : &str or &[u8] as input, any type implementing display as output. For custom input, see below.

Custom Generators

You need to pre-process input in a separated function ? generators are for you !

fn input_generator(input: &str) -> Vec<Gift> {

#[aoc(day2, part1)]
fn part1(input: &[Gift]) -> u32 {

Run your code

See cargo-aoc