[][src]Attribute Macro aoc_runner_derive::aoc


Solution meta

Use this to flag a function as a solution for a given day : #[aoc(day1, part1)]

You can also add a custom name to the function : #[aoc(day1, part1, Bytes)], it's useful to have multiple solutions to a given day & part and compare them !

The function must take a single parameter : a &str or a &[u8], unless you use a generator and return any type implementing Display.

Results & Options

Since 0.2.0, you can output Result & Option from solution function, with the following constraints :

  • the output type must be named Result or Option, type CustomResult<T> = Result<T, CustomError>; cannot be used in return position.
  • the first generic parameter must implement Display
  • for Results, the error must implement Into<std::error::Error>

You still can use a path before the Result/Option, like this : std::io::Result<i32>