Module anchor_spl::dex[][src]


pub use serum_dex;


Returns the seeds used for a user’s open orders account PDA.

Returns the seeds used for the open orders init authority. This is the account that must sign to create a new open orders account on the DEX market.


Per request context. Can be used to share data between middleware handlers.

To use an (optional) market authority, add it as the first account of the CpiContext’s remaining_accounts Vec.

Logs each request.

MarketProxy provides an abstraction for implementing proxy programs to the Serum orderbook, allowing one to implement a middleware for the purposes of intercepting and modifying requests before being relayed to the orderbook.

Checks that the given open orders account signs the transaction and then replaces it with the open orders account, which must be a PDA.

Enforces referal fees being sent to the configured address.



The static program ID


Implementing this trait allows one to hook into requests to the Serum DEX via a frontend proxy.


Confirms that a given pubkey is equivalent to the program ID

Returns the program ID

Type Definitions

Anchor generated Result to be used as the return type for the program.